We are a law office in Şanlıurfa serving in Turkey. We provide service in all of Turkey in our office located in the east of Turkey. You can contact us regarding the problems you experience in Şanlıurfa and other cities.
Our office is looking forward to serving you with devotion. Our office provides services in areas such as criminal law, family law, inheritance law, labor law, commercial law. It also provides services related to citizenship applications for foreign citizens; it helps you in the fields of residence permit, work permit.
lawyer ibrahim halil aydın serves you in foreign languages. He completed his university education in Turkey. He participated in many studies in the field of law. He can speak Turkish, Kurdish, English and German languages.
Lawyer İbrahim Halil Aydın has many foreign clients from many countries on the world . You can contact with him directly . he will help you with pleasure.

A major problem experienced by people living abroad and divorced is that this divorce does not take place in Turkey. Divorce decisions taken abroad are not valid in our country. In order to be valid, various lawsuits must be filed and certain stages must be passed. If you are looking for an answer to the question of what is the new regulation for overseas divorces, you may need to examine these stages. You can call us to get details about the arrangements made. You can find out more about these regulations by reviewing our articles.
+90 0542 761 84 06
E MAİL: av.ibrahimhalilaydin@gmail.com
address : Atatürk Bulvarı Urfa İşhanı kat:2 no :217 Haliliye Şanlıurfa